
Machine Vision, Image Recognition and Machine Learning

[Discriminative Kernel Transfer Learning]


Lei Zhang*, Jian Yang, and David Zhang, Domain class consistency based transfer learning for image classification across domains, Information Sciences, vol. 418-419, pp. 242-257, 2017. [paper]


Distribution mismatch between the modeling data and the query data is a known domain adaptation issue in machine learning. To this end, in this paper, we propose a l 2,1 -norm based discriminative robust kernel transfer learning (DKTL) method for high-level recog- nition tasks. The key idea is to realize robust domain transfer by simultaneously integrat- ing domain-class-consistency (DCC) metric based discriminative subspace learning, kernel learning in reproduced kernel Hilbert space, and representation learning between source and target domain. The DCC metric includes two properties: domain-consistency used to measure the between-domain distribution discrepancy and class-consistency used to mea- sure the within-domain class separability. The essential objective of the proposed trans- fer learning method is to maximize the DCC metric, which is equivalently to minimize the domain-class-inconsistency (DCIC), such that domain distribution mismatch and class inseparability are well formulated and unified simultaneously. The merits of the proposed method include (1) the robust sparse coding selects a few valuable source data with noises (outliers) removed during knowledge transfer, and (2) the proposed DCC metric can pur- sue more discriminative subspaces of different domains. As a result, the maximum class- separability is also well guaranteed. Extensive experiments on a number of visual datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over other state-of-the-art domain adaptation and transfer learning methods.





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