[name] [name]

Research Projects

Pincipal Investigator:

10. 12/2017~3/2018 Face Preference Prediction and Recommendation based on Computer Vision, supported by Changsha Caiyi Show Co., Ltd..

9. 01/2018~12/2021 Large-scale Multi-source Image Understanding based on Model-driven Transfer Learning, supported by National Natural Science Fundation of China (NSFC).

8. 01/2017~01/2019 Machine Intelligence and Cross-domain Image Recognition, supported by Fundamental Research Funds of Central Universities.

7. 01/2015~12/2017 Bionic Olfactory Perception Odor Fingerprint Expression, Reconstruction and Prediction, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

6. 05/2014~12/2015 Facial Aesthetics Research via Machine Learning in Computer Vision, supported by Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China.

5. 11/2013~11/2015 Facial Beauty Analysis using Biometric Techniques, supported by Hong Kong Scholar Program.

4. 03/2011~06/2013 Ph.D Thesis titled "Accuracy and Robustness of Artificial Olfaction System For IAQ", supported by Ministry of Education, China.

3. 06/2011~12/2011 Research on Accuracy and Robustness of Electronic Nose Based on Intelligent Information Processing Techniques, supported by Graduate Technology Innovation Fund for Central University of China.

2. 06/2012~12/2012 Chaos Neural Network Prediction in Intelligent Electronic Nose, supported by Graduate Technology Innovation Fund for Central University of China.

1. 03/2012~03/2013 Portable Air Quality Monitor, supported by Innovative Practices Contest of Chongqing (Third prize of Chongqing).

Key Participation:

7. On-line "Qualitative-Quantitative" Drift Suppression Methods Research using "drift patterns" based Artificial Olfactory System, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

6. Low Cost Research and Industrialization of Environmental Air Monitor and Purification, supported by Key Scientific and Technological Project of Chongqing, China

5. Pattern Recognition Algorithm Research of Human Body's Wound Smell based on Electronic Nose Technology, supported by Key Natural Science Foundation Project of Chongqing, China

4. Research of Minimum Genome Design Method based on Error Correction Encoding Theorey, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

3. Portable and Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring System based on Electronic Nose, supported by Postgraduates' Science and Innovation Fund for Central University.

2. Research of Graphical Representation Method and Its Application in Biological Sequence based on Free Energy, supported by Postgraduates' Science and Innovation Fund for Central University.

1. Long Term Drift and Countermeasure Research of Artifical Olfactory System, supported by Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing